A relentless focus on the cutting edge
Many companies talk about end-to-end solutions. Barnes Industrial enters the challenge where you do, starting from the design phase, breaking through obstacles, innovating alongside your teams and using technology and know-how to fundamentally improve processes and outcomes. We elevate your abilities with world-class manufacturing capabilities and market-leading engineering, application and systems expertise. Barnes is there from the beginning so you can get to the end.

Molding Solutions
Integrated hardware and software technologies focused on improving the processing, control and sustainability of engineered plastics.
Key End-Markets: Healthcare, Packaging, Mobility, Electronics, Consumer, Industrial.

Innovative systems and solutions customized to meet the growing demand for industrial automation.
Key End-Markets: Healthcare, Packaging, Mobility.

Force & Motion Control
Leading global provider of force and motion control systems and highly-engineered precision components in a broad range of industrial applications.
Key End-Markets: Mobility, Industrial, Healthcare, Aerospace & Defense.